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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Game/Play/Family Room Update...

It seems like eons ago when we started this project...really it wasn't even 2 months ago but DANG-IT we just can't seem to get 'er done!  

You know the project you start by saying "hey, lets just paint this room this color" and all the sudden your re-doing the entire upstairs?  
Yea, that's this project.  


Ok, actually it is kinda cool. We have worked together as a family to pull this room together bit-by-bit.

You can read all about the painting fun we had here.

I took the advice of Jen over at I Heart Organizing and sold off every piece of furniture that we did not plan to re-use in this room.  

That pretty much left the room empty.

It sat like this for months before we decided to move forward.

And here is how it looks now...

The money that we earned on all the sold "stuff" set the budget for the new space so I've had to be pretty frugal on when, where and how I spend for this space.

Those curtains are my FAVORITE addition to this room.  I found them on West Elm.  I had a 15% off coupon PLUS they were on sale for 20% off.  SCORE!  Love, love LOVE them!  

The next purchase we plan to make will be this Ektorp Sofa from Ikea and most likely the matching love seat will be joining it.

And then of course I will have to fill the empty spaces on the walls...and get some accessories for the space...and....I could go on and on.

But for now, I love how fresh and airy the room feels.  

Don't you?

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  1. it looks great gray, and i looove the curtains!

    1. Thank you so much! I love it to...and I could just wrap myself up in those curtains. I love them THAT much!


  2. It looks so fresh and inviting! Great color choice.

  3. Looks great Angi!!! The color is gorgeous, makes the room so much brighter!! I keep comparing the before and after and can't believe its the same room. Fabulous :)

    1. I can't believe its the same room either! I keep walking into just to stare at it :) Thanks for your sweet comments.


  4. It looks amazing! I love those curtains they are fabulous. Megan

  5. What a big difference a little can of paint makes! Love it!

    1. Thank you! It is a work in progress...but it is coming along!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!


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