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About Me

Hi-ya!  My name is Angi McCarthy and I am a married thirty-something (we’ll just keep it at that) year old, working, mother of two amazing young men, keeper of two dogs, two fish and an abundant amount of "mommy can I please keep these" lizards, that spends all of her free time (yeah, right, who am I kidding, who has "free time") re-purposing, painting, decorating and when it all goes wrong, baking! 

My husband (Mr. AKM) and I bought our current house in 2007.  To say it is a “fixer-upper” is the understatement of the century!  It drives my husband and kids crazy that I picked a house that requires so much “love” but I knew the moment I saw this house that it was PERFECT.  Well, maybe not “perfect” but I knew it could be!  I know I am home when I see possibility in every corner.  And let me tell you, this house has LOTS of possibility and it needs we have LOTS of love to give it! 

For as long as I can remember I have been a little OCD when it comes to changing up spaces (a.k.a decorating, renovating, moving this, changing that, “don’t you think it would be AWESOME if we just knocked out this wall”, etc...) and trying out new desert recipes, brownies, cookies, cakes, brownies, brownies…Did I mention my love of brownies?  Because yes, decorating and baking go hand-in-hand in my world…thus my empty pocket book and ever growing backside!  It’s ok to judge me…I can handle it.  J  

After much reflection (and my husbands dead pan stares every time I merely suggest we move this piece of furniture there or put up crown molding here), I was pushed decided to start this blog as a way to leave my husband alone creative outlet for all my decorating and baking OCD ways!  I hope you enjoy what you read and see in here and that I inspire you to try the things that you dream of doing…and when all else fails, go bake yourself some brownies, shovel ‘em in with a fork and chase them down with an ice cold glass of milk…or a glass or red wine…or a bottle…or whatever suits the need!

AKM Designs and Delights blog will be a collaboration of our family, our projects, missteps, brownie baking, cookie eating, wine guzzling, hair pulling, laughter filled, moments of sheer frustration, wanna kill each other, MAN DOESN'T THAT LOOK AWESOME!, journey to making this house our Home!   

And now that you know me, I welcome you to... AKM designs and delights! I hope you find something you like!


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