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Friday, February 3, 2012

Bake Me Happy...Red Velvet White Chocolate Cheesecake (for two)

I’m just going to say it…I’ve never been a huge fan of Red Velvet Cake.

There, I said it.  It’s out there and now I can’t take it back.

Whew!  It feels so much better to just let it out.

I’ve been feeling weird or like something is off with me with all the Red Velvet recipes blowing up the Internet on blogs and Pinterest and me NOT wanting to take part in the hoop-la.  I mean EVERYONE seems to LOVE this Red Velvet craze.

Except me.

Then, I came across this recipe at Angie's Sweet Natured Things for Red Velvet White Chocolate Cheesecakes for two.  Ummm…I totally love cheesecake…AND white chocolate.  And these are just so stinking cute.  How could I NOT want to make them???  I showed the recipe to Mr. AKM all excited to make it for the two of us to have after a romantic dinner for TWO.  I’m thinking candle light…a bottle of wine…me an my man dining al fresco on our patio surrounded by twinkle lights…maybe some Chris Issak or David Gray playing in the background the smell of fresh roses in the air (hint, hint babe)…are you with me here ladies?

Like I said, I showed him the recipe thinking he’d be all like “Yea babe, that’s awesome…everything you make tastes like heaven in my mouth”.  That would be the appropriate thing to say in my opinion.

That’s not how it happened.

Instead he says (and I quote) “sure, make it but I HATE Red Velvet…it tastes like CRAP!”  Whah?  My entire romantic setting just flew off the table and smashed on the floor.

Hate is a pretty strong word here peeps.  I mean, I don’t love it, but hate????  WOW!

And in that instant I knew…I had to make it my personal mission to “change” him.  I had to…no I needed to prove him wrong!   Sure that’s not the mature thing to do but after 14 ½ years of marriage I feel that I’m entitled to proving him wrong occasionally.

And guess what???

I DID!  In fact, I even got my little cheesecake "hating" son to fall in love with this minature piece of Red Velvet and White Chocolate Heaven on earth!

I'm just THAT awesome!

I won't lie...making this was a bit time consuming. I was fooled into thinking that making 2 "small" cheesecakes would equal less time in kitchen...not that case.

But so completely worth the effort. 

Red Velvet White Chocolate Cheesecake - For 2

by Angi McCarthy at AKM designs and delights
Keywords: White Chocolate Cream Cheese Red Velvet cake

Ingredients (2 - 4/12" Cheesecakes)
    White Chocolate Cheesecake Layer
    • 1 ounce white chocolate
    • 1 ounce heavy cream
    • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 1 egg
    • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Red Velvet Cake
    • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
    • 1/4 cup sugar
    • 1 egg white
    • 1 teaspoon red food coloring
    • 2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    • 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour
    • 1/8 teaspoon salt
    White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting
    • 1 ounce white chocolate
    • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
    • 2 ounces cream cheese, softened
    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
    • 2/3 cup powdered sugar
    • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 2 tablespoons buttermilk
    • 2 tablespoons sour cream
    • 1/8 teaspoon white vinegar
    White Chocolate Cheesecake Layer
    Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees. Butter two wells of a small cheesecake pan. (I recommend this one).
    Melt white chocolate with heavy cream either in a double boiler or in the microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring until smooth. Set aside to cool.
    Beat together cream cheese and sugar on medium speed until smooth. Add egg, lemon juice, and vanilla, mixing on medium-low speed until well blended. Finally, add melted white chocolate and mix on low until incorporated.
    Divide batter between the two cheesecake wells. Bake until set, approximately 15 minutes.
    Allow cheesecake to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate at least two hours
    Red Velvet Cake
    Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Butter two wells of a mini cheesecake pan.
    Cream together butter and sugar on medium-high until light and fluffy. Add egg white and continue beating until thoroughly combined.
    With mixer off, add food coloring and cocoa powder. Mix on low until incorporated, then beat on medium-high for two minutes.
    Sift together flour, salt, and baking soda. Mix together vanilla extract and buttermilk. Alternate adding half of dry ingredients with half of buttermilk/vanilla mixture to the butter mixture, beating on medium until combined after each addition. Mix in sour cream and vinegar on low speed until combined.
    Divide batter between the two prepared wells. Bake until cakes test done with a toothpick, 20-25 minutes. Allow cakes to cool for about five minutes in the pan, then transfer to a cooling rack to complete cooling.
    White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting
    Melt white chocolate together with heavy cream in either a double boiler or in the microwave in 15 second increments. Set aside to cool.
    Beat together cream cheese and butter until thoroughly combined. Beat in melted white chocolate. Add powdered sugar in batches, beating with each addition. If a stiffer frosting is desired, add additional powdered sugar.
    white chocolate shavings
    powdered red food coloring (optional)
    cocoa powder (optional)
    If necessary, level mini-red velvet cakes, then cut each cake into two halves using a serrated knife.
    Place one chilled cheesecake layer between two layers of cake.
    Cover each cake with a thin crumb coat of frosting to lock in any loose crumbs, then chill for at least 30 minutes. Apply a final coat of frosting and garnish with white chocolate shavings. If desired, sprinkle with powdered red food coloring or cocoa powder.
    Refrigerate until ready to serve.
    Powered by Recipage

    In the spirit of love, go forth and make this cheesecake for someone you love.  You will be glad you did!


    1. Yay! So glad you (and the picky guys of the house) liked it.

    2. Hey Angie!
      I'm just glad I found your sweet site for the idea! Thanks for coming by and checking mine out too :)

    3. came by from 'chic on a shoestring'. This looks too amazing. I'm not a sweets or cake person myself, but my birthday is in 3 days and I've been wanting to make a red velvet for some reason. I also found a recipe combination with a cheesecake in it but I think it may be too much for me since I've never baked one before and I need simple for not:D. But this looks promising!

    4. Thanks Angie for the cheesecake you make for us to enjoy. This is great to share it with my friend to have the taste of Chocolate Wines. Now I am going to give a party with this cake too including in my list. yeah this would be great addition for me this weekend.

    5. Replies
      1. It is so VERY divine! You must indulge yourself :)

    6. I will gladly share this at your linky party! How exciting! Thanks for the invite :)

    7. Ok - one time I made a FROM SCRATCH bannanna pudding for my (then) new hubbie - I mean I whipped the merrainge up with a FORK - cooked the pudding from SCRATCH - heck, I did everything but grow the bannannas! Did I get rave reviews from my bannanna pudding loving (ALMOST ex) hubbie? NO! He took one bite and said those words every new wife HATES to hear "That doens't taste like my mom's!". There is no woman juror in the WORLD who would have not considered that justifiable homicide!!! BTW; his mama's recipe? Instant pudding mix and cool whip! And it wasn't like my he hadn't eaten the EXACT SAME BANNANA PUDDING at my mom's in the over 2 1/2 years we dated!!!

      #12 Lisa's Linky

    8. Oh no he didn't! But I can totally sympathize. My husband says the same thing about my apple pie. No matter how good mine tastes...he always says "this doesn't taste like my moms". UGH! I tell him to have his momma make it then!

      Thanks for the comment! It made me laugh :)

    9. Whoa. Whooooooooa! Unreal. Insane. Crazy.

      These are all good things, though. ;)

    10. Did you mean for there to be link to the cheesecake pan that you use? Where you say, "I recommend this one."


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