Monday, December 19, 2011

The True Gift is in the Giving

Bringing Warmth to the Season...

A random fact about me:  I am usually always cold.

It's true, I can remember as a little kid being cold a lot.  My mom always thought it was because I was so skinny…but even now, 20 lbs. later, I am STILL always cold!  See mom…it wasn’t cause I was “skin and bones”!    Even as I sit here typing this, I have my little foot heater running to warm my toes…and it is 73 degrees outside!  

I don't like to be cold and try to avoid it at all costs yet my dream is to live in Colorado.  Go figure!?

Anyway...I think because I am cold so much, I LOVE hot drinks.  Coffee…tea…hot cocoa.  I love it all!  Especially during the holidays when EVERYTHING tastes better with peppermint!

I found this recipe written down on a piece of paper in my recipe book so I thought I would give it a try…but it made SO much that I then decided I needed to share it (in an effort to NOT drink it all myself…see above mention of 20 lbs)!  It is the Perfect Hot Cocoa in my opinion!  It's even better with a whole bunch of whip cream, mmm....mmm...good.  So go make yourself some and curl up in favorite armchair and try to stay warm.  After all, its 73 degrees here!

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

6 1/2 cups powdered milk
1 - 5 oz. package of non-instant chocolate pudding mix
1 c. powdered chocolate drink mix - such as Carnation
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. powdered creamer - I used Peppermint Mocha Creamer
3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder

Mix all ingredients together and pour into containers for gifting.  Top with crushed mints or chocolate chips.  I had some Andes Peppermint Baking Pieces so I topped mine off with those! 

Top with a cute little gift tag with a note explaining how to make them:   Add 1/3 cup cocoa mix to a cup of steaming hot milk...add marshmellows and Enjoy!

Recipe slightly adapted from


  1. Oh boy, love hot chocolate and this recipe looks wonderful. I'm going to try some. Merry Christmas! Pat

  2. Angi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment about my wind cork reindeer. Your recipe for peppermint cocoa is right up my alley, I'll be mixing some of that up and soon. Thanks! I've always been cold like you then it got much worse, found out it was my thyroid. Better but still love warmth! Have a great Christmas!


Love notes...